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Minato Node Setup

This guide provides instructions on setting up a Minato, a public testnet node, using either Docker and Docker Compose.


Coming soon - Instructions on setting up the node using binary files

Installation via Docker and Docker Compose


  • Docker: Ensure Docker is installed on your system. You can install it by following the instructions here.
  • Docker Compose: Ensure Docker Compose is installed on your system. You can install it by following the instructions here.

Make sure you have the latest versions of Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Hardware requirement

We recommend using the i3.2xlarge AWS instance type or equivalent hardware. If you want to set it up as a public RPC, you will need to adjust node resources based on your traffic.


Please download and use Minato specific files provided here (that are mentioned in the procedure below):

Setup Instructions

  1. Generate JWT Secret

    Generate a JWT secret by running the following command:

    openssl rand -hex 32 > jwt.txt
  2. Rename Environment File

    Rename sample.env to .env:

    mv sample.env .env
  3. Update Environment Variables

    Open the .env file in a text editor and update the following variables:

    P2P_ADVERTISE_IP=<Node Public IP>

    In some node providers, you need to specify your node's public IP for op-geth. To do this, replace <your_node_public_ip> with your actual public IP in the --nat=extip:<your_node_public_ip> parameter within the docker-compose.yml file, specifically under the op-geth-minato service settings.

    Recommendation: For faster synchronization, it's recommended to have the L1 node geographically close to the Minato node.
  4. Run Docker Compose

    Run the Docker Compose file to start the services:

    docker-compose up -d
  5. Check Logs

    Monitor the logs to ensure the services are running correctly:

    • For op-node-minato:

      docker-compose logs -f op-node-minato
    • For op-geth-minato:

      docker-compose logs -f op-geth-minato

After each restart, it takes approximately 2 minutes for the node to start syncing.